We desire to live healthy, fulfilling lives in relation to those we care about engaging in ways that are authentic and true to our Being. (See comments, below, from others' who are willing to share their own personal experiences of constellations work so as to promote awareness of this phenomenal work)
Learning how to access that which promotes healthy love, first toward oneself--as a result of healthy connection with one's inner parents - and subsequently toward significant others--personally and professionally... and with one's direction in life.
Healing is not about "getting better," it is about letting go of everything that isn’t you – all of the expectations, all of the beliefs, letting go of the defenses – and unfolding into who you truly are.” ~Rachel Naomi Remen
Bringing the disparate parts of our psyche into conscious awareness and into alignment that our defenses...our survivor part wants to Avoid. Bringing these parts into consciousness to LOVE and accept rather than Deny and Reject.
Constellations work demonstrates, visually, how we may, unconsciously, live out our mother's disappointments... or repeat our father's infidelity... or issues around being successful. Unconsciously, we replicate the failed relationships, or issues with money...or health... fears of moving forward... of our parents and grandparents. We understand that we inherit our eye color and blood type; we also inherit the psychological residue from traumatic events that have taken place in our family history even generations prior to our birth. Depression, anxiety, chronic self-doubt/self-criticism, illness, over-eating or other substances, unhappy relationships and financial challenges can all be forms of this unconscious, unsatisfying inheritance.
Constellations work visually and gradually reveals the hidden dynamics and family loyalties that keep us rooted in destructive patterns or just keeps us feeling stuck.The constellations circles offer possibilities for a new life course beginning to be set in motion. This can ultimately be life-changing...through the process of increasing trust in the wisdom of our bodies and willingness to set aside the 'thinking' mind, if only briefly. Experiencing deeply moving constellations... trusting the Field... and each other....
"What constellation works means to me...
I am someone that sees things the way I want to see them and I tend to stuff my feelings. Doing constellation work allows me to see things I would not have seen in any other way and pushes me to feel feelings I often cram deep down inside. Watching other people's constellations also reminds me of something going on in my personal life as well and helps me gain courage to deal with those things."~ A
"Feeling gratitude and love to all who participated in constellation circle last night. So much trust, vulnerability and openness.
Always honored to be a part of this work and grateful for what is shown to me by the field.
Peace." ~ J
"I am happy to share what constellation work has meant to me.
Constellation work has opened my soul to receive and feel a love that has been with me since birth-- although it was love that I seldom felt, if ever...because of deep set feelings of unworthiness and low self esteem. Through constellation work I have seen clarity in situations that have burdened me for years. The truths revealed to me in constellations has given me a sense of peace and acceptance.
Nancy, I am forever grateful for guidance and wisdom. Thank you," J.M.
"Constellation work helps me to see "What Is"-- whether it's buried deeply or just lingering below the surface. I also have the opportunity to just Feel my feelings for a few hours. Feel without judgment, fear, or worry about what anyone is thinking. The truths I see in my own constellation or as a representative always provide me with "food for thought." And more importantly, I'm left with a sense of peace and belonging." ~ JR
"As I think on constellation work, I think of TRUTH, SEEING, OPENING UP to 'What IS'. In connection with constellation work, I am learning that I am not alone in my journey; that others have come before me that have had their own journey and possess wisdom to aid me in mine. My awareness and acceptance of life’s day-to-day happenings is more familiar now since I have begun constellation work. I sense how everything and everyone is connected in some way; either by energy or experiences. To me, constellation is the most truth I have experienced, even more true to me than church. To me, constellation is “my church”; my spirituality is deeply connected to this work. It is my path along my journey. Thank you for everyone who is part of this work. I am grateful for the sharing and witnessing of others in their journey. I don’t feel so quite alone and to me that is everything that keeps me confident and courageous in this work.
Sincerely, from the heart and spirit," DT
"Here is my commentary on working with stones in constellations:
I really appreciate the stone work in constellations because the process of work with the stones as representatives for people in my life... or personal issues... has a way of disarming me, cutting through the various defenses I seem to have and really expose my core to myself. Then, I am able to genuinely look at experiences through a new lens - my lens of truth." ~ N.
"Constellations work continues to amaze me! Recently I worked with stones as representatives for aspects and issues around my Recovery. I positioned the stones representatives where they "felt" to belong. 'Thinking about it' does not seem to be part of this placement process. As we sat back and took in the vision of the placements, we started making connections with the relationship these stones representatives have with each other... for example: I saw that I had placed the representative for my recovery behind me--out of my line of vision. And the stone representing me was focused on the 'obstacles' that I had placed in front of me. Suddenly, there was the realization that if I turned my representative a little, I would be facing my new sponsor rather than obstacles. What became suddenly clear to me via the stones placements was how things in my life could be different just by changing my focus! It was shocking to see something that was just set up by 'feelings' and seemed totally random, initially, suddenly took shape into a plan for success that was more simple than my Mind would have ever come up with! Working with the stones constellation was like flipping a switch just by seeing that a slight shift in focus and a new sponsor could bring my recovery back into view!" A.
Humans standing as Representatives in a Constellations group.

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